Tuesday, 2 April 2013

MANNAM held the Victory Cup Media Day

MANNAM Volunteer Association Busan North branch held an official Media day before the 2nd MANNAM Victory Cup soccer league opening game.

MANNAM BN(Busan North) invited the delegation of participating teams and the press to MANNAM BN office, located in Busan Jin gu. The slogan of MANNAM Victory Cup Media day, "With playing soccer, beyond the barriers, Achieve harmony" represents their will and aims for world peace. MANNAM Volunteer Association offers cultural classes, communities and sports festivals to make people from all over the world understand and respect each other.

The opening game of the 2nd MANNAM Victory Cup Sports league Busan preliminary is on April 7 at Eulsukdo Sports park. The winning team of Busan preliminary will reach the Victory Cup finals in Seoul on June 16.

(source 1: http://sports.media.daum.net/soccer/news/k_league/breaking/view.html?newsid=20130402111009754)
(source 2: http://newsa.co.kr/news/service/article/mess_01.asp?P_Index=56909&flag=)  


  1. How long have you guys been doing this, Victory cup? you guys seem very diligent to do it.

    1. Thank you for visiting us. It is the 2nd Victory cup. We are making a history now!!! =)

  2. It was great news. I am proud of this work. :D
