Monday, 25 March 2013

[MANNAM Volunteer] Volunteering in a soup kitchen

MANNAM Busan North participates in working in the soup kitchen 2nd and 4th Saturday every month!

Let's share your heart with food distributing at Minju park.
Minju park (Democracy Park in Busan) is a place to see many volunteers during weekend. It means there are also many people in need of volunteering? Even though South Korea is making economic growth amazingly and the social welfare system is progressing, still many people are suffering with their hunger. We are not the person of wealth and influence but we have warm heart, love and the light to share others. 

Being a member of MANNAM Volunteer association gives various experiences and opportunities to share our hearts and cultures. MANNAM means 'meeting' in Korean language. As a name of MANNAM, we can easily meet the people from diverse cultures through MANNAM volunteer association. I would love to introduce MANNAM, if you are the one, who interested in sharing diverse cultures and peace for this beautiful world!!           

♥ When : 2nd, 4th Saturday 10:45a.m.-12:30p.m. Every month

♥ Where : Minju park (민주공원, Democracy Park)
* Meet 10:00 a.m. @ Busan Station Subway Stn., (1st orange line, #113) In front of Lotteria

♥ Do : Let people know the service, greet, serve.


  1. We are not the person of wealth and influence but we have warm heart, love and the light to share others.
    it makes me think a different way of distribution.
    your insight is soooooooooooooo brilliant!!

  2. Next Saturday, I'll show all people in the Min-ju park see the light inside me ;))))
    Can you call me up? ☞☜ lol;;;

  3. I would like a light in the face of all those who serve.
    Too good.

  4. I would like to participate!

  5. It seems the world is still warm thanks to the volunteers to convey love.

    1. Thank you. We do this for our joy though.. Hahaha!!

  6. You are doing a really good deed!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You are doing the right thing.
    I'm impressed.

  9. Conveying love beautiful appearance nedyo

  10. From the looks of these together in one mind.

  11. Sharing is the practice of love.Good at work look too good.
