Today, I brought a good news for all the footballer in Busan!!
On Feb 2, 2013!! A huge sports park was opened in Gijang, Busan.
So, are you wondering if they have any soccer field? YES! There is!!
* Address: 579 Yeon-gu ri, Choel-ma myun, Gi-jang gun, Busan (22,226㎡) / Dong-beak ri, Il-kwang myun, Gijang (World Cup Village)
* Tel: (051)728-8017, (051)721-4147, (051)727-8617
* Facilities: 5 Soccer field (grass & artificial turf grass), 2 Tennis courts, 1 Foot volleyball court, 2 Gate ball court, 6 Shed
* Open hours: 06:00 ~ 22:00 (Mar ~ Oct), 07:00 ~ 22:00 (Nov ~ Feb)
* Fee: Soccer field - KRW 50,000/hour
* How to book:
STEP 1 - submit the Application form in 2 weeks advance
STEP 2 - wire transfer the fee
STEP 3 - receive the permission
STEP 4 - PLAY soccer!!
* How to find: BUS 73
* Website:
** If you need any help to book this facility, MANNAM International Busan North sports team manager, Elly(, can help you!!
ENJOY!! =)
Very useful info!:)