Thursday, 1 August 2013

THE PEACE, monthly talk concert by MANNAM Busan

Monthly Talk Concert, THE PEACE was held by MANNAM Busan branch on July 27.

The topic of this month was HUMAN RIGHTS.

MANNAM International friends who comes from all over the world, we shared our experiences and knowledge related to the topic, HUMAN RIGHTS.

Tanka (Nepal)
I choose no 2, 12, 17.
No Discrimination. There is a discrimination in Sex in my country, Nepal. Especially, Muslim women, they should put up their scarf always. I think this is a religious discrimination for woman. Another one is race. We have cast system. They cannot get marry to other cast. Another one is education. If only someone has money, they can get the education. I think it is also a discrimination. And classes. People divides rich people and poor people. Rich people has the power and they can do more than the poor people. And culture and religion. I think this one is the most important thing. People who has certain religion they should not ignore nor fight with others who has different religions.

Sahiir (Pakistan)
We are all equal before the law and we have rights for our privacy. No one can take away our rights. That is it!

Jun (Canada)
I choose 18, 19, and 22.
We have rights to have security, expression, and thought.
I lived in Canada which human right is highly remained. I didn't really experienced any discrimination related security, expressions, and thoughts. However I would like to add one thing which is a right to eat as much as possible. I don't wanna get any discrimination by eating a lot. South Korean discriminates by eating a lot and fat people.

Hugo (Mexico / America)
No slavery. That is obvious. so I am gonna scratch that one out. There is a discrimination in purpose. I don't want to say discrimination is good but we discriminate man model to female under wear. Man can wear female under wear but people discriminates that female under wear is only for female. There is not man model in Victoria Secret catalogue. Why should not be. There is one thing I would ask. Why GQ magazine does not hire you as a model, Jun? That is a discrimination. You can think whatever you want but if you don't expression what you think, there is no point. So I think expressing in fashion is the same thing.
Food, shelter and water, everybody should have that.
A big problem in Mexico right now is.. There are a lot of discrimination in my country. To be honest with you, I was in a winning side of the discrimination. In Mexico, I am fairly tall, and have white skin, green eyes, so they think I have got kind of good blood. But Mexican who has very very short and dark skin, they are discriminated to get a job and treated poorly everyday. They discriminate by the face skin color. More than 90% of Mexicans are Roman Catholic, so not the religious thing, and they are all poor, so not the money thing either. It comes down on the skin color which is silly.

Fernaz (Iran)
The first one is we are born to be equal. This is not true actually. The people born in rich country and poor country, they are so different. Even before the birth, the food and facilities their mother had are very different and it affects their child. Our humanity is equal but not in practise. Being rich is necessarily to be the success but anyway it is very different.
The other one is that we have the right to security. In Korea I really feel secure but this security is what your society and government give you and you cannot do anything with this. Wherever I live, I obey the rules of the country, so I wear scarf when I am in Iran, but it does not mean secure. It depends on the society.